Will serve as a supplemental StickStar Eval. & ATX Select Training Opp.
This weekend ATX Select will offer a Drop in Training Session / Supplemental StickStar Evaluation for Fall 2020. ATX Select will look to field a HS Team, and 25/26 Team, and a 27 Team for one local Field tournament, and one local Box Tournament.
We all know it is Labor Day weekend and this training opportunity is coming online late, but regardless, we wanted to get to the field, train, and have fun. Please spread the word.
2 Sessions: Limit 45 / session.
4 to 530 Youth. 27's, 26's, 25's.
530 to 7 HS.
Players who attended Dallas are free to attend this as well free of charge. Training will be held at The Regents School, Grammar Field. 1 Hr of Training 30 minutes of Play.
Field Opportunity (Texas Box Invitational Nov. 21 / 22 & Bitter Lax Festival Dec. 12 / 13).